Lake of Agia
The Fasas Valley is the wettest part of West Crete. The 450-hectare artificial lake Agia was created with the help of Power Public Corporation, because the company turned the swamp there into a lake. The goal was to generate electricity. The energy was produced by a hydroelectric plant. Lake Agia got its name from the village located next to it. Chania 10 km, Kissamos 30.6 km.
GPS is very important! – because there are no street names in Western Crete.

FORBIDDEN to bathe in Lake Agia! The lake is protected by international law, because the lake is a refuge for birds. It contains a wide variety of aquatic plants. It is home to rare ferns and several unique frog species. Swimming and to bathe are allowed in the only one natural lake in Western Crete, Lake Kournas. The Lake Kourna has several beaches, and even offers opportunities for water sports enthusiasts.

A natural ecosystem has developed around the lake, where birds live undisturbed. The special flowers, the birds, the calm and peaceful environment ensure perfect relaxation. It is worth sitting on the wooden benches and lingering on the coastal promenade, because the environment is truly fabulous. The lake is surrounded by vast fertile lands, which are coloured by orange groves in some places.
A little history:

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